MT-1 pas önleme özelliğinin de ötesindedir. Doğal UV direncine sahip bu yanıcı olmayan pas önleyici, boyalı yüzeylerde UV korumasını artırarak zorlu çevre koşullarında bile uzun ömürlülük sağlar. MT-1’in aşınmaya karşı dayanıklılığı NAVSEA standartlarını karşılar ve zorlu testler sırasında sadece %1’lik bir kayıpla rakiplerinden belirgin bir şekilde ayrılır. MT-1’in dönüştürücü doğası sadece şeffaf varyantında değil, aynı zamanda geleneksel epoksi kaplamalara ideal bir alternatif haline getiren renk ekleme kabiliyetinde de belirgindir. Metaller, duvarcılık, ahşap ve fiberglas dahil olmak üzere sayısız yüzey için uygun olan MT-1, son teknoloji koruyucu kaplamaların örneğidir.
- Yangın Güvenliği: MT-1 alev almaz.
- UV Koruma: Boyalı alanlar için güneş kremi görevi görür.
- Çivi gibi sağlam: NAVSEA aşınma testlerinden sadece %1 kayıpla geçerek birçok normal standarttan daha iyi performans gösterdi.many regular standards.
- Süper Yapışma: MT-1 yüzeylere çoğu boyadan 10 kat daha iyi yapışır.
- Özelleştirilebilir Görünüm: Genellikle şeffaftır ancak istediğiniz renkte epoksi boyaların yerini alacak şekilde renklendirilebilir.
- Çevre dostu: Kaliforniya’nın sıkı çevre standartlarını karşılar.
- Çabuk sertleşir: Sadece 1,5 saat içinde kurur ve 5 saat içinde tamamen sertleşir.
- Uzun Ömür: Süper yapıştırma gücü, normal kaplamalardan daha uzun süre dayanmasını sağlar.
- Zorlu İşler için Sağlam: Petrol ve gaz arama çalışmalarının zorlu koşulları için yeterince sağlamdır.
- Zaman ve Para Tasarrufu Sağlar: MT-1’in dayanıklılığı, bakım için daha az zaman ve para harcanması anlamına gelir.
MT-1'i Farklı Kılan Nedir?
- UV ışınlarını engeller.
- Darbelere karşı dayanıklıdır – 160PSI basınçta bile hasar görmez.
- Aşınma ve yıpranmaya karşı dayanıklıdır.
- Muazzam derecede iyi yapışır – testlerde mermeri dahi çekti
- Kimyasallara karşı güçlüdür.
- Çevreye zarar vermez ve solvent bazlı değildir.
- Güvenlidir; yanıcı ve toksik değildir.
- Hızlıdır: 90 dakika içinde kurur, 8 saat içinde sertleşir.
- Şeffaf MT-1 ile uzun süre kalıcı parlaklık sağlar. Çeşitli renklerde de mevcuttur.
- Her koşulda pası uzak tutar.
- Uzun yıllar koruma sağlar.

Teknik Özellikler
- Tip: Solvent bazlı
- Pigment: Solvent Pigment
- Hacim: %20 Katı Madde
- Kalınlık/Kapsam: Islak: 3,5-5 mils; Kuru: 20 mils; Kapsama: 13-16 metrekare / L
- Kuruma Süresi: 30 dakika içinde yapışmaz; 8 saat içinde tamamen kuruma
- Sıcaklık Aralığı: Uygulama: 100 C – 32.20 C; Çalışma: 400 C – 1210 C
MT-1 Uygulamaları
MT-1 Ürünü için kullanım ve uygulama senaryoları
MT-1 Usage in Aerospace
Given MT-1’s unique properties, it can be a game-changer in the aerospace sector, enhancing the durability and lifespan of various components. Here are couple of usage scenarios for MT-1 in Aerospace sector:
- Aircraft Exterior: Protects the aircraft’s outer skin from corrosion, UV degradation, and harsh weather conditions.
- Cockpit Instruments: Provides a protective coat to prevent corrosion and wear in critical instruments.
- Landing Gears: Protects from corrosion due to varied environments during landings and take-offs.
- Jet Engine Components: Acts as a heat and corrosion-resistant layer for engine parts.
- Spacecraft Exteriors: Shields against UV rays, potential space debris, and the harsh environment of space.
- Cargo Bays and Holds: Protects from potential rust and wear from regular loading and unloading of cargo.
- Fuel Tanks: Ensures no corrosion impacts the purity of jet fuel.
- Satellites: Protects satellite exteriors from space environment-related wear and potential impact damage.
- Communication Equipment: Guards against wear and tear due to constant exposure to varying conditions.
- Drones: Enhances the lifespan of drones by protecting against environmental factors.
- Hangar Infrastructure: Protects hangar structures, especially in coastal areas where salt can cause rapid degradation.
- Runway Lights and Equipment: Ensures longer life and lesser maintenance for essential runway equipment.
- On-board Computers and Electronics: Adds an extra layer of protection against potential moisture and environmental factors.
- Aircraft Interiors: Enhances the durability of seat structures, overhead bins, and other components exposed to frequent use.
- Aerospace Testing Equipment: Protects equipment used in R&D, ensuring accurate results over extended usage.
- Helicopter Rotors: Shields rotors from the environment and potential corrosion, enhancing lifespan.
- Aircraft Windows and Canopies: Provides an extra layer of UV protection, ensuring clear visibility and protection over extended periods.
- Aerospace Manufacturing Equipment: Prolongs the life of machines and tools used in the manufacturing process.
- Missile and Rocket Components: Enhances the resilience of parts exposed to high heat and extreme conditions during launch and flight.
- Space Station Modules: Provides protection against space debris, UV rays, and the extreme environment of space.
MT-1 Usage in Marine
Seas and oceans can be harsh. MT-1 helps ships, boats, and docks stand up to the challenges of salt, water, and sun. Whether it’s ship hulls or piers, they stay stronger and look better for longer:
Ship Hulls: Provides a protective barrier against saltwater, UV radiation, and potential abrasions from underwater debris or docking.
Offshore Platforms: Shields structures from the corrosive marine environment, ensuring a longer lifespan and reduced maintenance.
Marine Equipment: Protects tools and machinery exposed to the elements, from winches to cranes.
Underwater Submersibles: Enhances resistance against high pressure, salinity, and potential underwater obstacles.
Docks & Piers: Preserves the integrity of these structures against weathering, sea organisms, and regular wear and tear.
Buoyancy Devices: Ensures that buoys, flotation devices, and life rafts are protected against UV degradation and saltwater corrosion.
Marine Containers: Protects against rust and corrosion, ensuring the safe transport of goods.
Fishing Vessels: Provides protection from the harsh marine environment and ensures longevity of the vessel.
Desalination Systems: Shields machinery and pipelines from the corrosive effects of salt and other minerals.
Marine Propulsion Systems: Guards engines and propellers against potential damage from saltwater and debris.
Underwater Cables: Protects communication and power cables from saltwater corrosion and potential physical damages.
Aquaculture Infrastructure: Ensures that equipment used in fish farms and other marine farming remains rust-free and durable.
Marine Railways and Boat Lifts: Shields these structures from regular exposure to saltwater and potential abrasions.
Navigational Equipment: Protects devices and tools from the elements, ensuring accurate navigation.
Diving Equipment: Guards against rust and corrosion, extending the lifespan of diving gears and tools.
Anchor Chains and Accessories: Enhances resistance against rust, ensuring that anchors maintain their strength and reliability.
Marine Tunnels and Underwater Constructions: Provides a barrier against the continuous exposure to saltwater and marine life.
Seawalls and Breakwaters: Ensures these protective barriers remain robust and effective against the force of waves and potential erosive elements.
Yacht Exteriors: Shields luxury boats from UV rays, saltwater, and other potential damages ensuring a pristine appearance.
Research Vessels: Protects these vessels that often venture into extreme marine environments, ensuring their longevity and safety.
MT-1 Applications in Construction
Incorporating MT-1 in the construction sector can greatly benefit the longevity and safety of structures, tools, and machinery. The reduction in maintenance needs can also translate to significant cost savings over time:
Heavy Machinery: Protect construction vehicles and equipment from rust, ensuring a longer lifespan and reducing maintenance costs.
Steel Framework: Guard steel structures from corrosion, especially in areas exposed to moisture or aggressive environmental conditions.
Scaffolding: Enhance the durability of temporary structures against the elements, ensuring worker safety.
Construction Tools: Protect tools like drills, hammers, and saws from the elements and extend their working life.
Concrete Reinforcements: Prevent the corrosion of metal reinforcements within concrete structures.
Roofing Materials: Offer protection from UV radiation, reducing wear and tear on roof surfaces.
Pipelines and Plumbing: Shield pipes from corrosion, particularly in areas where the water might have a high mineral content.
Brick and Masonry Sealant: Use as a sealant for brick walls and other masonry to protect against moisture infiltration.
Foundation Protection: Prevent moisture and rust from affecting the foundational structures of buildings.
Window Frames and Metal Fittings: Protect against wear, ensuring longevity and aesthetic appeal.
Elevators and Escalators: Shield mechanical parts from wear and potential rust.
Ventilation Systems: Guard against rust in HVAC systems, ensuring efficient operation.
Construction Barriers: Coat barriers and fences used around construction sites to protect them from weathering.
Outdoor Lighting Fixtures: Protect against rust and ensure continued functionality despite exposure to the elements.
Bridges and Overpasses: Enhance resistance against environmental factors, especially in areas prone to saltwater spray or road salts.
Tunnels: Protect the metal components from moisture and potential corrosive elements.
Construction Cranes: Guard these vital machines from environmental wear, ensuring their safe operation.
Safety Equipment: Coat items like metal safety harnesses and railings to prevent rust and ensure optimal safety.
Parking Garages: Protect metal barriers, gates, and railings from daily wear and exposure.
Storage Facilities: Shield metal components of storage units from rust, ensuring the safety and security of stored items.
MT-1 Usage in Oil and Gas
In the challenging world of oil and gas, MT-1 stands tall. It wraps equipment in a protective layer, helping them resist damage and wear. That means fewer repair breaks and more working time. Samples of MT-1 usage in the Oil and Gas sector:
Pipeline Protection: Provides a barrier against corrosion, especially for pipelines located underwater or in corrosive soil conditions.
Drilling Equipment: Shields drilling machinery from wear and tear caused by abrasive materials encountered during the drilling process.
Storage Tanks: Protects against rust and corrosion, ensuring the purity of stored oil or gas.
Offshore Rigs: Offers protection from the harsh marine environment, saltwater, and UV degradation.
Refinery Infrastructure: Ensures equipment longevity and safety by resisting corrosive chemicals used in refining processes.
Pump Equipment: Extends the lifespan of pumps by offering a protective layer against rust and wear.
Valves and Fittings: Provides an additional layer of protection against leaks and breaks.
LNG Carriers: Protects the storage units from both internal and external factors, ensuring safe transportation of liquefied natural gas.
Floating Production Units: Ensures that the unit’s exterior remains intact and unaffected by the marine environment.
Transportation Tankers: Shields the exteriors and interiors from potential corrosion due to varying qualities of crude oil.
Gas Compressors: Enhances the lifespan by offering protection against wear and the elements.
Heat Exchangers: Shields against potential external damage and ensures efficient operation.
Oil Well Casings: Offers protection against corrosive elements found deep within the earth.
Control Systems: Protects electronic systems and interfaces from potential damage due to environmental exposure.
Subsea Equipment: Provides an added layer of protection for equipment operating under the ocean, exposed to saltwater and high pressures.
Desalination Systems: Ensures that the systems remain corrosion-free, especially given the high salt content they deal with.
Fracking Equipment: Shields machinery from the aggressive chemicals and conditions used in the hydraulic fracturing process.
Gas Processing Units: Protects against the corrosive elements present in raw natural gas.
Derricks and Hoisting Equipment: Enhances resilience against the elements and regular wear and tear.
Safety Barriers and Fences: Protects against rust and environmental wear, ensuring that safety measures remain intact.
En doğru ve güncel bilgiler için bizimle iletişime geçin.
MT-1 ilk olarak askeri amaçlar çin zorlu koşullarda uzun süreli koruma sağlamak üzere yüksek dereceli bir şeffaf kaplama ve pas önleyici olarak geliştirilmiştir.
Evet, MT-1 çok yönlüdür ve demir ve demir dışı metaller, duvar, ahşap, fiberglas, cam ve karbon fiber dahil olmak üzere çeşitli yüzeylere uygulanabilir.
MT-1 şeffaftır, ancak hem koruma hem de estetik çekicilik sunan epoksi kaplamalar için çeşitli renkler eklenebilir.
MT-1'nin kuruması 90 dakika içinde tamamlanır ve tamamen sertleşmesi 5 saat sürer. Bu, hızlı bir uygulama süreci ve kaplanan ekipman veya yapı için minimum işlem süresi sağlar.
Kesinlikle evet! MT-1, Kaliforniya VOC gereklilikleriyle tamamen uyumludur, bu da onu çevre dostu yapar. Ayrıca yanıcı ve toksik değildir.
MT-1, bugün piyasada bulunan birçok standart boyadan 10 kat daha fazla yapıştırıcı olmasıyla üstün yapıştırma gücüne sahiptir. Yapıştırma etkinliğinde birçok epoksi boyadan bile daha iyi performans gösterir.
Evet, MT-1 100°C ile 350°C arasındaki sıcaklıklarda uygulanmalıdır. Ürünün uygulanacağı yüzeyde 12 saat içinde yağmur bekleniyorsa veya yüzey ıslaksa ürünün uygulanmaması önerilir. Kesin uygulama koşulları için her zaman teknik verileri inceleyin.
MT-1'i çıplak metale uygulamadan önce, temizliğinden emin olmak için SSPC-1 temizliği yapın. Bu işlem tamamlandığında, yüzeyi neredeyse beyaz metal bir görünüme ulaşmak ve tüm zımpara tozlarını ve kirleri temizlemek için kumlama işlemi yapın. Yüzey, hiç kalıntı kalmayana kadar İzopropil Alkol ile silinmelidir. Hazırlık işleminden sonra, MT-1 Astarı, önerilen adımları takip ederek uygulanabilir.
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